By Hayley Johnson
One of the most enjoyable things about being an anime fan is cosplay. Cosplay, short for “costume play”, is essentially dressing up as your favourite characters from your favourite anime series. When I was asked to talk about women in anime, cosplay was one of the first things that came to mind, tightly bound as it is with the anime community. With that in mind, I realised something. I don't really cosplay girls that much. This was something that I'd only really considered briefly before now and I hadn't really touched on why this was. After some thought though, I figured something out: I would be uncomfortable cosplaying a fair amount of the female characters from series that I follow, or have followed in the past.
One of the most enjoyable things about being an anime fan is cosplay. Cosplay, short for “costume play”, is essentially dressing up as your favourite characters from your favourite anime series. When I was asked to talk about women in anime, cosplay was one of the first things that came to mind, tightly bound as it is with the anime community. With that in mind, I realised something. I don't really cosplay girls that much. This was something that I'd only really considered briefly before now and I hadn't really touched on why this was. After some thought though, I figured something out: I would be uncomfortable cosplaying a fair amount of the female characters from series that I follow, or have followed in the past.
Take, for instance, one of the more famous anime series out
there, Ghost in the Shell. Out of three films and two series, I watched
all but one of the movies. It's deep, thoughtful, political and all packaged in
the cyberpunk trappings that I have a fondness for. To top it all off, the main
protagonist is the female and utterly awesome Major Motoko Kusanagi. There are
few series or characters that I have gotten as much enjoyment and discussion
out of. But I couldn't ever cosplay her. Why? Because I could not wear her
default outfit with any kind of comfort.
Now I have no problem with female characters wearing skimpy
outfits, so long as it makes sense in the context of the scene or series. In
this case, I have no clue why a member of a counter-terrorist armed response
unit would think, “Yeah, a leotard and thigh high boots are perfect for my day
at work.” She does wear more sensible clothing elsewhere in the series, but I
can't but compare her to her in-show male colleagues, who never reach the same
level of undress.
Unfortunate outfit aside, she is resourceful, intelligent and
can hold her own in situations where she is ridiculously outnumbered and
outgunned; it honestly kills me to realise that I am sitting here and
critiquing one of my favourite female anime characters ever, but I can't not mention
this. At the very least, I suppose I can take comfort in the fact that she's
nowhere near as bad as the female characters in hentai. (I would comment
further on that genre, but I won't, because I'm not qualified to criticise what
I haven't watched and because I think the very existence of tentacle rape
speaks for itself.)
Speaking of famous series, and characters that I would never
cosplay from them, I suppose that I would be remiss were I to neglect Naruto,
a series that has been running in comic form since 1999 and has currently
clocked in at over 500 episodes in anime form. Quite impressive for a series
about ninjas in inappropriately bright clothing. The first major female
character that you meet is a girl by the name of Sakura Haruno; she's been assigned
to the same squad as the title character and another boy named Sasuke. You
would think that since she's training to be a ninja, she would be a pretty cool
example of how female portrayal should go. Nope. She quickly gets relegated to
the sidelines as cheerleader while the boys have these epic, multi-episode
battles. This continues pretty much throughout the series until the two year
time skip in the middle of the series. After the series reconvenes, we're
introduced to an older, wiser Sakura. At first she seemed to have gone through
a positive shift, showing that she could recreate an earthquake with her fist.
Maybe this was a sign that she would finally be pulled out of
the decorative cheerleader role, become so much more valuable as a team member.
Unfortunately that was a short-lived hope, as Naruto seemed to have improved to
levels of godhood while the fans weren't looking, so she sort of adopted the
medic role instead. Don't get me wrong: having played enough roleplaying games
for one lifetime, a medic is always appreciated. There was just such potential
for her to be awesome and self-reliant, someone who I would be happy to
cosplay. As it is, she's a disappointment in almost every sense.

The first is the Studio Ghibli film Laputa: Castle in the
Sky, a film in which the main character, a young girl Sheeta, is
relentlessly pursued by kidnappers and pirates because of a magic amulet
related to the title's castle in the sky.
So to those who I perhaps scared off with my criticisms
earlier, I would say don't dismiss anime as a medium. It is, like any other
form of media, filled with good and bad points. If you're willing to try the
medium and dedicate yourself to finding the good things within it, then anime
can be a treasure trove. There's always the plus side that most of the really
bad stuff dies quite a quick death. I would perhaps suggest avoiding any anime
with either of the following words in the description: tentacles or harem. You
have been warned.
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