The SlutWalks have stirred up their fair share of controversy, from within the feminist movement and without. Jessica Valenti labelled the Slutwalks as “the most successful feminist action of the past 20 years” for bringing feminist issues into the public sphere and mainstream media. On the other hand, critics such as Susie O’Brien wrote, “I believe the name will marginalise women and girls who want to be active in violence prevention campaigns but who don’t feel comfortable with personally owning the word slut." The controversy surrounding the marches has, in effect, only served to bring it further to the attention of the media and encourage discussion of modern feminism and its meaning to young generations of women.
The London SlutWalk 2012 will be held on September 22nd this year and many members of Feminism Society will be marching. Provocative attire is completely optional and the aim is for the march to be an inclusive, anti-racist and pro-sex workers’ rights space.
If you haven't been before take a look at our post from last year!
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